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Pattern Summary
Case Study A:
Large Corporate IT
Case Study B:
Small Commercial Team
Pattern 01: Architecture Intensive Disciplines
Pattern 02: Aesthetic Values and Cultural Belief Systems
Pattern 03: Converging Worlds and Cultural Innovator
Pattern 04: Four Social Cultural Theories
Pattern 05: Structure Function Aesthetics
Pattern 06: Abstraction Layers
Pattern 07: Patron Architect Builder
Pattern 08: Patron as Sponsor and User
Pattern 09: Architect as Leader
Pattern 10: Classical Architecture
Pattern 11: Organisation of Construction
Pattern 12: Vitruvian Architect
Pattern 13: Architect and Engineer
Pattern 14: Internal and External Architecture
Pattern 15: Theory and Practice
Pattern 16: Learning Methods
Pattern 17: Tactile and Visual
Pattern 18: Patron as Society
Pattern 19: Reason and Belief
Pattern 20: Framework and Decoration
Pattern 21: Theory and Material
Pattern 22: Automation and Craft
Pattern 23: Organic and Inorganic Decoration
Pattern 24: Unification and the Workshop
Pattern 25: Modernist Thinking
Pattern 26: Foundation Course
Pattern 27: Units of Construction
Pattern 28: Art Patterns
Pattern 29: Role Play
Pattern 30: Readability and Authoring Standards
Pattern 31: Modelling and Prototyping
Pattern 32: Mastery of Space
Pattern 33: Less is More
Pattern 34: Compound Architects
Pattern 35: Beautiful Drawings
Pattern 36: Integrity of Material
Pattern 37: Rationalisation and Standardisation
Pattern 38: Postmodern Pluralism
Pattern 39: Openness
Pattern 40: Modernism in Postmodern World
Pattern 41: Shaping the Mind
Pattern 42: Wholes versus Parts
Pattern 43: Revival of Natural Architecture
Pattern 44: Shift in Thinking
Pattern 45: Natural Architecture Patterns
Pattern 46: Beliefs in Natural Architecture
Pattern 47: Feedback Loops
Pattern 48: Shearing Layers of Change
Pattern 49: Story Telling
Pattern 50: Nature as Architecture
Case Studies
As indicated above, most of the observations and patterns were applicable or relevant. In discussing these with colleagues, it is obvious that the observations are subjective and open to interpretation. However, it does reflect much of the architectural experience in the case study from the perspective of the architect, members of the team and the development manager who introduced the architecture into the environment.
The patterns explored a number of architectural theories gleaned from the story - which in turn was gleaned from architectural literature and historical references. It is clear that building architecture provides patterns for software architecture and other architecture intensive disciplines.
The research began with a bias towards Modernist thinking. In the course of composing the story, drawing the patterns and sharing this research with others, it was clear that much can be learnt about architecture through the perspective of other social cultural theories. The objective of the research was to illustrate how architectural theory can be approached - beyond platforms, methodologies and modeling techniques.
It is hoped that this research paper will be of benefit to other software architects and other architecture intensive disciplines. The reader must come to a conclusion as to whether or not the paper has helped him/her identify their own architectural influences and what inspires their designs and constructions. The approach can be taken using other references such as music, literary works and reflecting on other systems such as those found in health care, religion, law, military, sports or politics.
For those who carry the responsibility of designing or constructing something that can bring quality to human living, they should consider the architect in them and reflect on what inspires them - their beliefs, their mental models and how they perceive the people and the world around them.
Further Research
It is hoped that this work is the beginning of further academic research into the topic and will help in providing material that will be of use in the recognition of architectural intensive disciplines in Information Technology.
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